Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Air gun!~

yuph,,as written di was my trip playing air gun di Sungguminasa...around,,hurmm,,brape kilo eh..xtau ar plak..xtgk sgt kilometer dkt2 mcm 30 mins jgk ar..mybe dlm 20-30 km ke max~

sensasi berkendara dgn Satria~ :D ehe~

so plan nk gerak pkl biasalah,janji2 melayu.saya dh gerak awl.sempat pergi rusun lg amik duit bayar motor for a friend lg.then blk diorng xsiap lg..smentara tunggu Ruq lagi,dh boleh makan nasi kuning kalau ikotkan..huu..Ruq dtg dgn break belakang,,buat best..orng dok tunggu dia..8.45a, baru lah gerak..

jalan pergi sana sgt straight n bagus compared to jalan2 biasa lah..sempat rempit dgn baim smpai 100km/,mybe orng kata ala,100km/h je,ak bawak baim yg berat dkt 80-90kg kot.tu pon motor masih larat ag...(hehe,kot baim kan lbeyh kurng gitu berat kan?~ :P ) perjalan memakan masa dlm 30 minit diketuai oleh daus~

smpai2,kagum jap tgk senjata2 yg mcm real ni..lebeh kurng mcm paint ball jgk.but paint ball pakai paint pallet, air gun pakai pallet plastik yg keras nyer tu n more smaller dr paint balls..satu magazine bleh muat dlm 200 butir pallet tu,,dia menggunakan batery utk apa ntah fungsinya ak xtau.mybe nk menjana air masuk dlm gun tu lah kot.and everytime after shoot,,ada budak yg jd ref suro putar magazine,putar magazine so dat butir2 peluru tu naik atas.xstay kt bwh..(i assume) :D ehehe~

sbb tgh kagum,smua pon dok angkat senjata nk jihad konon amik gmbar je pon.hehehe..jakun lah katakan..daus yg dh 2nd time dtg,dh lek lek dh~

so kitorng bahgi 2 team,white team,and red team,,Red team : me,daus,ruq and baim..White team : khalis,enteri,rashid and kami masuk kandang..kandang tmpat main ni actually kt blkng rumah orng dia buat mcm area betol lah,ada tayar2 utk cover apa smua,kayu2.mcm CS jgk ar~ ;)

1st round
ok,nk mula2 pakat nk main capture d flag..satu round 20 mins..mula2 ok ar,smua mcm nk lari amik flag team lawan apa smua,tp last2,xd dh nk amik flag,smua nk tembak orng jek.terlupa kna amik flag..lalu sbelah flag buat bodoh jek~ :P ahahaha~
me,got a chance to kill Khalis,but then sbb ambush dia,dh dkt sgt,cuma boleh kata freeze je lah.xkan nk tembak dkt2,kesian ar nk buat criter nyer,even dh kata freezee!!!,ada jgk yg lepaskan tembakan pada khalis..2 man ambush..cross punya..Daus zasssss,tembak tengkuk kales dr lah hasil nyer~

love bite dr daus pada khalis..baik punya,ni pon dh surot sbb after 5 1st round,Red team won.entah,menang sbb plng ramai dlm team still survive kot~

2nd round
tukar ground,,kalini diorng aggressive pulak nk serang kitorng,yuph,as expected,flag ntah kemana tp main tembak2 orng jek..myb ada la amik flag tp xd kemana nyer..tmbak2 lagi sronok,,so 2nd round ni ada yg tmbah peluru apa smua.sape yg pakai mode auto mmg ar..keluar byk2.cepat lah,i manage to economy my kna tmbah jgk lah..but then,yg xsronok nyer,,my gun was stuck!..arghhh,,kna keluar masuk arena..sgt xsronok keluar je lah sbb time tu pon ruq n baim dh mati,just tinggal me and daus but diorng smua still hidup,2nd round,,White team won!

3rd round
back to our 1st side blk.kalini lg hampeh,diorng mcm guerrilla plak dtg kami betubi2 dan sekali lagi,,i was dissapointed sbb again,,my gun was stuck and kalini mmg bengang lah.tgk daus stay kena jadi itik tembak gitu jek..but then eventough kitorng myb tinggal daus je lastly,we managed to get 2 dpt satu,ruq dpt satu,,mmg 3rd round become runner.n covering fire dr baim..sronok2.ehehe~ :D tp xpe lah..janji bukan sbb mati keluar,sbb gun rosak lg.huu~ :( white team menang lagi!

4th round
kitorng menguasi perlawanan..ruq head shot enteri!.kot.ntah lah tp enteri mati ar.again me and baim a good tag in front,baim covering..pegi slowly dpn..actually,,me n baim mcm kerja pancing2 jek..yg byk shoot si ruq and daus..kitorng mengexposekan position pihak lawan..but baim mmg dpt tembak khalis.n rashid daus tembak nabil tinggal sorng,kitorng maju ke depan..baim buat gah,,jalan mmg macam ayam jantan dari timur.catch d flag,,tembak mcm rambo.hhahahaha...menang mutlak for red team!!..

so we tied 2-2

5th and final round
back to 1st side,now,instead of lari left flank,i ran to the right flank..nmpak je kales n rashid awal2..nyorok2 tepi pokok buluh..n unfortunately i was ran out of lah nk keluar2 masuk..but then tukar gun dgn baim sbb dia dh tinggal and daus,nabil n nabil kot..i was hiding behind pokok pisang until i heard ref said,"peluru hbs,mau isi peluru,mau isi peluru ka?"..orng ni mmg dr td dok suro beli peluru dia,,masih byk pon suro beli rest la kejap ingtkan game tgh paused..last2 kales dtg sergah..he did wut i did to him in 1st round..narghh,,,last round ni mmg dh leteh habes dh.pancit gler dh..n peluru pon dh hbs.xtmbah2 dh.sekali,xpelah.kalah ke menang xtau round ni.mybe tied~ ;) ehehe~

so,here we are..merah putih bergabung..mandi peluh..sgt leteh.nk minum air sejuk~~

seperti biasa,,kami bergila-gila foto pulak di sekitar arena..dgn bermacam2 posing,ala2 nk jadi tentera tp malang,hanya boleh jadi doktor.hahahhaa~

hostage situation..

otai nyer enteri

half squat

ok,kales nk baring2.tgh lawan xmau~

ni lah kerja baim,surrender~ :P ehehe~

medic medic,,man down!.man down!.we need morphine here!!~

oklah,tu la sdikit sbnyak aktiviti saya,aktiviti pagi..ptg lain pulak~ :D ehehe~

Monday, May 24, 2010


yuph,akan pergi bercuti dgn mama papa lagi..kalini ke Bandung..flight 5Pm on thursday to Jakarta.then will naik bas to Bandung.hoepfully xjam lah..

will be in Bandung until Sunday,,errrr,,ntah Sunday or Monday..then pergi Jakarta pulak lepak sana.but for sure my flight blk Makassar is on Tuesday 10Pm..and akan smpai Makassar pkl 2 pagi..huu~

apa plan?.hurmm,,sbb pergi dgn orng tua tak perlu risau psl duit utk trip sgt,boleh pergi mana2,hahaha~ ^..^ yg penting shopping beb!!~

paan,azman,din dh mintk bli2 brng.tauhid suro amik duit dgn dia dlu.ahahahahaha~~

yg penting,i will get my new 2010/2011 Chelsea FC jersey.dh smpai post to papa..owh yeah!!..come on you blues!!..and dpt all the remaining stuffs dr kak ngah yg papa xkirim pd abg afi dtg dulu..weeee~~~ :D

sgt sronok lah..although xblk Malaysia,seeing mama n papa here in Indonesia pon dh cukup least keluar Makassar kan~ ;) papa mama smpai rabu.ada satu malam utk honeymoon sndri2,ehehe~

n the highlights jugak on this trip,akan jumpa my mate from skool jgk Taufiq (ato) there in Bandung,lama xjumpe mamat tu..then pegi Jakarta jumpe Fendi n those yang last time i went diorng xd..Lya, Hazim, Apai, Zaehan mybe if dia dh blk from jalan2..even skejap shj di Jakarta,better skejap dr never right.alang2 dh smpai sana~ ;)

apa2 pon..habeskan exam ni dulu..selamat berjaya diri aku.dan selamat bercuti!~


welcome to the family diucapkan kepada ikan2 yg baru aku,ipin n akil beli..ikan lama,ikan mas,ikan kap dah mati..d only survivor adalah ikan "bangsat" patin jek..tak tau sgt punca kematian ikan2 lain.adakah bangsat begitu liar sehingga "makan" atau "membunuh" atau "menikam" kawan2 sekeliling dia?.atau pon ikan2 lain main sebab environment yang tidak sihat?.masih dlm mystery..

kami telah mewawancara dgn ahli ikan.bapak jual ikan2 yang ikan2 tu dibeli..mungkinkah sebab air tak cukup garam?.yuph,boleh jadi jugak.sbb bapak tu mula2 ingatkan aquarium ipin dia kata masukkan dlm 3 senduk garam rupenye2 besar.kna masuk 1/3 garam out of plastik yg dia jual.dlm 200g gitu kot.

so td exam tunda.damn it..mmg aku n ipin dh plan ptg ni nk buat blk aquarium tu!..blk2 trus cuci aquarium.n letak air bersih apa smua.bangsat keluarkan..then kami bergerak nk cari ikan baru~ :D pergi beli kt jauh sket.area Pantai Losari tu...smpai2 sana,Ya Allah.rambang mata..jadi rambang mata macam mana orang perempuan tgk ada byk handbags,,ada byk kasut,baju ape smua..

actually,i do really like fish.papa ada bela ikan dlu time di subang jaya..sbb ada satu aquarium besar gler kt blkng rumah..tak ingat sgt n tak pasti kesahihan criter ni sbb time tu terlalu kecik.less than 4 years old punya kak lee or kak ngah,time ni korng dh besar.papa did ada bela ikan kan time di rumah subang jaya?.kan?.kan?.mmg ada aquarium tank kan kt blkng rumah kan?..huu~

so,mata kami terpancar dgn sinar cahaya tgk ikan..rentetan cerita ekans kami~ ;)

Part I : aku dgn Ali

so kami mundar mandir..jalan dari hujung ke hujun cari n tanyer harga ikan2.tgk mana warna cantik apa im the one who makes the move..saw an Alligator fish.perghh,,dgn macam buaya aku menyentap Alligator fish tu..sgt cool n tenang..jgn sangka air yang tenang xd buaya.. (xd relation pon),nickname dia?. ALI...Ali lah first masuk rumah baru td~

Ali tgh buat lintas hormat

Part II : Ipin dgn Leopard and Tiger

So,turn ipin plak..ipin nk Dragon fish tempting ble tgk ikan Leopard and Tiger fish..dua2 ikan ni lebeh kurng jek.cume beza,Leopard badan dia bintik n ada kepala besar..Tiger plak kpale kecik dr Leopard and badan stripes..yuph,mmg same dgn nama mereka.Dots and stripes..jadi,lps survey2 smua kedai,n lps nego2 dgn satu kdai brother ni.dia jual kami angkut sekor Leopard,sekor Tiger..Nickname : Leo and Tiger.

Leo sebelah kiri g besar sket tu.Tiger belah satu lg

tapi,ipin kata,sronok jgk kalau beli ikan kecik2 ni utk bg main2 dlm kami sorting2 plak bbrapa ikan.jaga dari kecik n tgk smpai mana boleh besar.

ikan2 kami pilih kecik2

ada campur sket dgn ikan2 akil

Part III : akil dgn ikan2 dia

akil dia nk cari ikan bulu cantik ar..bulu2 dia boleh kembang gitu.n ada ikan2 lain yg ak xtau namanya..and ada sepasang ikan gila..

gila dok main kt bucu2 aquarium

gila tgh main2 tarik air dgn air.bwh tu tmpat air nk kna sedut utk ditapis

PART IV : masuk aquarium

so,scara turutan ke-cool-an ikan,Ali masuk dlu.diikuti Tiger and Leo.lepas tu,ikan2 lain..sperti dijangkakan.Ali mmg sgt cool.berenang lek lek jek..ikan gila akil,mmg gila.masuk jek dh buat marathon dlm aquarium.kalau Michael Phelps.Tiger and Leo berkepit mcm diorng adik bradik plak..oii,nama je mcm satu family kucing.ishkk.ahaha~

PART V : Kejadian Tragedi Pertama

ikan bulu ayam akil sgtlah gedik..suke gesel2 dgn,tanpa dijangkakan,ak dgr Khalis menjerit.. "ada ikan kena makan!!..ada ikan kena makan!!"..dgn kepala n rahang yang besar,,sbb dh stress dok dlm plastik lama sbb journey dr Losari ke rumah memakan masa dkt 45 minit sbb singgah kedai souvenir jap n sbb jam,,and ayam yang gedik tu,,Leo langsung bukak mulut makan satu kali sedut!!..padan muka kau ayam!!..mmg ayam betol!!..tgk2 ada ekor ayam jek kt ujung mulut Leo.hahahahahaha~~~ :P sekor ag ayam akil quarantine sbb pon sama jgk dok kacau2 gedik dgn Leo and Tiger...seb baik Tiger kepala kecik.kalau tak.mmg kena ngap jgk sekor tu..

PART VI : Kejadian Tragedi Kedua

gila akil tersedut naik ke bahgian penapis air aquarium..gila sgt.amik kau kena sedut.seb baik tapis tu bukan nyer tapis mesin penghancur kotoran ke apa.boleh selamatkan ko lg...aiseyh,,apa jadi dgn ikan2 ko ni AKIL!!!!!~~~

PART VII : Bangsat tidak diberi kepercayaan

yuph,,sbb dia sole survivor dr mass death of ikan2 emas n ikan kap lalu,assumption telah dibuat Bangsat bunuh takut nk campurkan dia.jadi Bangsat maybe akan join dgn Keli kt kolam rumah kt luar..huuu~ :( skrng dia dok dlm besen dgn air kotor lg.sian kau Bangsat.xpe2,nanti aku pikirkan cara okeh?~

Bangsat sendirian~ :(

PART VII : Kejadian Tragedi Ketiga (LATEST PUNYA)

td time nk amik gmbar Bangsat dlm baldi.ipin dok cari mana sekor ag ayam tu.jd gtau ipin ada akil letak kt bahgian pam tu..ipin kata,kt mana?.so ak cari ar sbb mmg ada kat situ td.dup dup ternmpak sekujur tubuh kecil tak bergerak dlm tiub air..yuph..ayam kedua akil dah mati.ipin keluarkan dan buat autopsy.nope xperlu autopsy pon sbb ayam dh hancur kepala n badan dia.kena sapu dgn mesin pam.huu.tragedis.ingatkan akan mati sbb Bangsat buat,tp rupenye2 mati sbb bende lain.huu~

pam kuat!.

tempat mangsa ditemukan

So itulah rentetan kami dan ekans kami~ :)

p/s : akil telah memfailkan tuduhan keatas Leo atas kematian Ayam.malam ini pukul 12am 25 May 2010 sesi pericaraan akan dilangsungkan dan dihakimi oleh Bangsat..

yuph,aquarium masih kosong.nanti nk tambah2 accessories lg.nanti akan update lg tgk perubahan rumah ekans..

sekian,terima kasih~

Yes,these bykes,both are mine!~ ;)


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Single guys!!!!...

to remember

are not a looser..

the girls are just ______________

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

community medcine~

aiseyh,talking about community medcine.really exhausting.1st week of class je weekends kna pergi puskesmas msk kampung.disturbing my leisure weekends.lps tu,every class awal2 tu kna buat mind map.this is how my mind map looks like this :::

NOOOTTTTT..apa kau gila aku punya mind map mcm ni???..hahahahaha~~

ok.this is mine~ :P ehehehe

yang ni,mmg 2nd day nyer class.sbb 1st day xpergi~ :P

ok,this one after dah around 1 weeks nyer class.mcm dh better sket still,pakai pen biru colours or not creative kalau bende2 macam ni!

then,,com med adalah subject yg quiet worst behave ever.msk class sure bersembang nyer.xpon dgr music tp tgn smbil buat mind map cincai2.but at the end of lecture week,dh xkutip dh pon mind maps apa smua..

commed jgk suro kami buat flipchart..mcm apa eh.kre mcm carboard besar gitu ar.utk beri pengetahuan umum kepada masyarakat lah.kena terangkan,ajan,dyan and erna satu group.kami kena buat tentang Malaria...start buat actually last week.dah a week jgk lah ni.aiseyh,stress betol.eventough,yg pergi jumpe and cari2 dokter bukan lah saya kan,tu kejer ajan,tp buat slides and cari info tu mostly me and her lah.

gmbar mesti kalau kartun,smua kartun jek,kalau orng betol,orng jek.byk je songel nyer.jumpe dokter lain2,masing2 ada pendapat masing2.huu,at last g jumpe dr.irwin.dia akan exam kitorng,after dh tunjuk to him our group works ,(eh,our for me and ajan or sape2 lagi lah yg membantu),ni utk 1st assessmentlah before exam nanti,jd ada kena tukar2 sket..

jadi before post dis post,,buat lah cari bahan2 n info2 yang kena betulkan apa smua.aiseyh.leteh kot.buat benda sama.dah la tak lunch lagi.ajan dh smpai mate lain cari gambar2.dr pkl 1 smpai pkl 4 td.then dak2 indon tu balik rumah..then ajan bgn tgk slides.

"hurmm,,korng dr td buat apa jek?","saya dok edit2 slides apa smua mskkan bla bla bla....",,"diorng??." "entah,gmbar ni je kot",,"lor,,4 gmbar ni jek dr td diorng buat?,,pastu nk blk dh?..."huhuhu,,entah lah.xtau jgk nk kata diorng blk lah.jd,me and ajan dok tmbah2 n edit2 lagi apa yg perlu smbil cari2 info lagi..esok nk print dh,hari jumaat exam presentation..pastu senin dh nk exam theory dh..aiseyh.xstudy apa lg..

4 gambar yg 2 orng tu tlg carikkan dr pkl 3-4.then ntah diorng buat apa lg~

apa2 je lah.apa2 pon siapkan flipchart tu dlu.exam flipchart,then weekends leh study utk exam theory..

skrng,tgh lapar,xtau nk makan apa.xkan nk makan nasi goreng for constantly every night utk 3-4 hari?.giler lah.smalam dh loya2 kalau mkn ns goreng ag,muntah trus.huuu~

jadi apa mau makan?.roti jek?.huu,berat badan dah turon dh..dlu 58kg,skrng 55kg.ada kawan tu,dia diarrhea,turon dkt 4-5kg gitu,,tp skrng ni,when everytime dia jumpe saya,dia keep on saying.."saya dh gemok.berat badan naik 1 kg",kelmarin kelmarin jumpe kata naik 2kg..hah,bagus lah tu,,stiap kali jumpe naik naik.gemoklah kau balik kan~ :P ekekeke~~

baik!.ak nk pk apa nk skrng tekak dh rasa loya balik.huu~
akil dok tanye "nk masak nasi tak?".aku balas "tp nanti nk makan apa?.masak nasi goreng?.hohoho,aku dh naik loya.xtau ag makan apa.beli roti ke.tgk lah mcm mana",,thanx for asking dude.nnti duit mara msk nanti ar beli2 masak apa smua~ ;)

btw,,ikan emas sekor dh mati dh.ada KLB (KEJADIAN LUAR BIASA) berlaku dalam BANGSAT masih hidup.hahahahaha~~ ;)

btw,,duit MARA,cepatlah masuk.we are begging you.last month masuk skrng masuk lmbat pulak.aiseyhman~~ :|

and good luck utk group2 lain buat FLIPCHART!!~

Sunday, May 16, 2010

campione campione ole ole ole~~

one heck of a game..5 Post and a penalty miss.but,dont forget a superb closing and ending for Chelsea season by drogba..nothing else to say.we are awesome this season.but this season seeing lampard misses 2 penalty important game plak tu.nsb baik dgn pompey menang game.huu.10 out of 12.xpe lampard.ur goals tetap d best~ ;) and Petr Cech,u r really the savior.u deserve the Golden Gloves.Drogba?.yeahh,u too for the Golden boot..

report from

Updated: May 15, 2010, 8:02 AM UK

Didier Drogba won the double for Chelsea with the only goal in a quite remarkable FA Cup final.

Drogba's 37th goal of the season was a free-kick just before the hour that found the net with tracer-bullet precision from 20 yards.

It maintained Drogba's impressive record of scoring in all six competitive games he has played at the new Wembley and confirmed Chelsea as only the seventh club to complete the league and FA Cup double, a pretty significant achievement in Carlo Ancelotti's first season in charge.

But that does not even come close to telling the story of a game that saw Chelsea hit the woodwork five times before the interval, including a terrible miss from Salomon Kalou, Kevin-Prince Boateng fail to convert a penalty shortly before Drogba's winner that could have set up a fairytale finish to a shambolic season of turmoil at Portsmouth, and even Frank Lampard fire wide from the spot three minutes from time.

Given the financial straightjacket they find themselves in, this was likely to be Pompey's last major final for quite some time.

That certainty, at the end of a campaign where you are £135million in debt, in administration, have had nine points deducted, been relegated, not been paid your wages on time on numerous occasions and seen players sold at a moment's notice, probably generated a devil-may-care attitude within the Portsmouth squad.

Frederic Piquionne brought a staggering reaction save out of Petr Cech and Aruna Dindane failed to make clean contact as he tried to turn home Piquionne's cut-back.

By any standards, these were glorious openings which Portsmouth might have had cause to regret if it were not for the fact that Chelsea were enduring frustrations of their own so great Drogba ended the half beating a post in total frustration at his side's inability to get the ball past it.

Within this flurry of activity came a contender for the best save ever seen in a cup final, and that miss.

Chelsea's victory will save Kalou extreme ridicule, but he knows his own contribution is going to be replayed so often he will never escape.

Frank Lampard had already flashed a shot against a post and Chelsea were on top when Ashley Cole, the first man to win the famous old trophy six times, drove deep into the Pompey box, completely outpacing Aaron Mokoena.

Fabio Capello would not have been the only one to admire his sublime cross, which completely took David James out of the game and presented Kalou with a four-yard tap-in.

The Chelsea fans were already on their feet, arms aloft in triumph, when Kalou's side-footed effort soared skywards and thudded against the bar.

For a moment or two, the stadium was completely silent, as if unable to comprehend what they had just witnessed. The eruption of noise from the Portsmouth end confirmed the reality.

Within a couple of minutes John Terry had glided a header against the bar, but that was nothing compared to the free-kick Drogba curled towards the top corner later on.

Somehow, James managed to reach it. His touch was only faint but it was enough to push the ball onto the bar and down, smack bang onto the goal-line.

So, when Drogba fired a low effort against the post four minutes from time, little wonder the offending upright suffered the backlash.

For once, a half had been completed with no one mentioning the pitch.

An odd colour it might have looked but it was not restricting the entertainment value, which included a penalty 10 minutes after the restart.

Introduced for Michael Ballack, who had been the subject of a vicious first-half tackle from Boateng, Juliano Belletti had not quite got his bearings.

And when Dindane nipped past him, the Brazilian lunged in and sent him sprawling.

After all that had gone before, the entire stadium had the sense this was the moment that would give the underdogs the trophy. Except Boateng had not read the script.

So bad was his effort that Cech, having gone down early, had time to make the readjustment required and boot it clear,

Within three minutes, Drogba converted his magnificent free-kick and the dream was over.

Had Lampard scored when he was bundled over in the box by Michael Brown three minutes from time, Chelsea would have deserved it.

He did not. It was that type of extraordinary game.

Scoring Summary
Chelsea Portsmouth
Didier Drogba (59)Kevin-Prince Boateng (pen miss 56)
Frank Lampard (pen miss 89)
Match Stats

Chelsea Portsmouth
Shots (on Goal) 24(10) 2(1)
Fouls 16 14
Corner Kicks 6 2
Offsides 1 2
Time of Possession 56% 44%
Yellow Cards 0 3
Red Cards 0 0
Saves 3 4
Match Information
Stadium: Wembley Stadium, London, England
Attendance: 88,335
Match Time: 15:00 UK
C Foy (Referee)

just to roll out everything.we are awesome blues!~ :) CHELSEA CHELSEA!!!~~

haiwan peliharaan yang baru..

yup,sperti tertera di atas.saya dan arifin ada pet kami?..IKAN!!..ehehe~ :D
lepas tgk ikan2 Ruq n Jep dan kura2 Peng,,terpikir,ipin ada aquarium lama dia yg tak pakai.dr mensia2kan aquarium tu xbuat apa2,so better start bela ikan balik lah kan~ ;)

jd petang td cuci2 aquarium tu dgn ipin.letak di ruang tamu rumah.sgt cantek aquarium tu warna merah..sbarnye xd ikan pon nk ptg td,diorng nk gi Car4.situ ada orng jual2 ikan.mintk ipin belikan dlu ikan guna duit dia.tong tong.nnti byr blk,,

so,ipin blk bwk ada 5 ekor ikan...1 ekor ikan patin,1 ikan kap,3 ekor ikan mas.weee~ sgt sronok dpt bela ikan patin,,dlm hati,aiseyh,kalau dapat masak tempoyak patin ni,sronok perot aku,tunggu besar ar..hahaha~ :P actually,kat kolam umah dh ada ikan keli,boleh tahan jgk,xkan ar nk makan keli tu kan,sian dia.smalam dh makan keli xpelah~

ikan-ikan.deco still xd ag.tunggu duit mara masuk buat sket2~ :D

ikan patin a.k.a Bangsat nama nya.cepatlah besar!!

apa2 pon,nnti nk tmbah2 ag decoration n ikan dlm aquarium ni.tmbah kura2 kecik sket ke kan.lalala~

happy sket today~

btw,nigger dh tgk2 dh ikan2 ni time dlm plastik.ada2 je nigger.bukan ko sorng dh skrng ni pet dlm rumah ni,ahahahaha~~ ^..^

Friday, May 14, 2010

makan makan makan

pergi makan ikan lele@keli goreng td..pergh,,antara plng besar sekali,,ikan keli tgh bunting,,telur makk ai besor,,tp dlm gmbar ni perot blom di disect lagi..

ni lah ikan nyer..nmpak nyummy kan?.mmg pon.hahaha.kenyang kenyang.syukur~ :D cucuk2 tu ada hati,ape smua..sgt sronok..and all of these just cost 20k..kalau d m'sia tu convert2 dpt la dlm 6-7 ringgit..ehe~ ;) tp kalau korng yg xbiasa makan2 kedai mcm ni,takut nnti keesokkan nyer trus sakit perot,berak2,muntah.haaaaa~

apa2 pon,lama dh xmakan nnti ble dh dpt elaun,planning makan real seafood,steamboat,weee~~ :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

explore race UMNO

harini join explore race UMNO buat..kena kumpul di rusun pkl ak pkl 815am baru mandi..alaa,orng jaga checkpoint pon si akil n kales pon pkl 8 baru nk,kales siap awal harini..ak xtau asal.kalau dia g klass sure lmbat.klass start pkl 730am,dia grk pkl ni kerja UMNO dia smangat plak siap awl.ehehe~ :P

memandangkan smalam cuma makan sekali je dlm sehari,makan brekfast,brkfst today,mintk ibu jual nasi kuning tu bungkuskan nasi kuning nasi lebih,telur n ayam goreng,bagi pas pas 10ribu....owh ok.aku lupa nk ambil baki dgn ibu bayar gne 50ribu,sbb awal pagi sgt,ibu tu xd baki.ak kata ar nk amik tghari sbb hbs Xplore race tu pon dh dkt pkl 130.dgn letehnyer,terlupa plak nk g amik.patut ar trase duit short smacam jek~~

so,smpai d rusun dlm pkl 840am.smua orng dh tunggu.grup kami baru ckp orng.ehe~ :D n Kales dh tunjuk kepimpinan dia.suro kluarkan smua duit2.xnak bagi ada yg tipu naik transport laju2 sbb nnti diorng akan bg duit cukup2 utk naik public transport.tauhid just bg kad ATM dia jek.rashid n ipin bg wallet trus.ak just bg duit jek..

G team yang Gempak!~ :D

so kami dpt grup huruf G.and our 1st task,mula2 kna berlari naik atas blok D tingkat 5.aiseyh,with my tummy yang after full melantak nasi kuning portion 2 bungkus,aym n telur.its really burden me..bukan nyer yummy yummy yummy in my tummy tummy tummy dh skrng ni..nk kna carik 2nd envelope.i already open the fire hose reel nyer tmpat,but mmg xnmpak the it is soo camouflage,giler xprasan.ipin jumpe..the questin is 1) kg x ms-2 = ??.. 2) yellow + white = ?? we think its ada kna mengena dgn DAYA' and tron lah blk kt bwh berlari2 nk cari pete2 nk g pasar Daya'..ok,my tummy tummy tummy really want to explode je time ni.

naik2 pete2 dpt dgn another grup least pete2 xperlu nk stop amik pnumpang lain sbb pete2 dh lumba2 dgn grup junior tu..mula suro byr utk 8 orng tp kami byr 4 orng je.dengki2~ :P hahahaha~~ smpai2 kami dh dlm otak pk kna cari kdai telur lah kan sbb bajet2 kna makan telur ke apa ke,tp tgk2 buat checkpoint kt masjid..ape kes?.masjid dh la warna putih hijau.bengkek jek.buat leteh cari2 sbb kitorng turon dr pete2 tu mmg dpn masjid tu,tp bajet lah kan..

Grup Anis 08 sibuk jek!!

then bg soalan..senarai apa nutrition ada dlm telur,pnyakit def.protein,gv 5 vege start with S..fruit start with L..and the hardest is..what id d diff between white shell egg with brown shell egg..apa?.telur aym kmpung n telur ayam biasa?.narghh,wrong..Jep si tukang buat soalan ni kata.beza ada pd ayam yg menelurkan telur tu..ape?.warna?.salah.mmg dh buntu..tgk2 jwpn apa tau?.beza kt telinga ayam tu..ayam mana satu ntah yg telinga nyer terbukak n satu tertutup..wth?.mana nk tau..Jep kata ada dlm Discovery Channel..damn,,mana la nk tau kot..then dh jwb kna minum telur mentah..eleh,kacang je.bkn nyer xpnah makan.pnah yg xsronok challenge ni..hanya 2 orng makan 2 biji telur..xaci ar,patut everyone in the group lah kna makan each..padan muka kt grup yg ada girls or mix.xsronok btollah..ishk~

solving the question.

so after makan egg,dpt a crosswords..hahahahahaha..sgt kelakar.y?.coz cross words ni dh tau si Kales yg buat..tau sgt dr soalan2 n jawapan..Jabodetabek,Jabodetabek..sape je suka dok ngulang ayat2 pelik2 macam ni kalau bukan si Kales..hahahaha~ :P so kami,genera question mmg mantap anatomy n medical questions??.hampeh every first letter each answer akan combine utk jd the next checkpoint is.. Masjid,there we go..dapat telur kena pegang!.erhkk.takut pcah~

while waiting for the Game Park to open


waktu ni lah,telur tu crack.egg dlm poket ipin,ak terlanggar sket.huu

haa,dpt pete2 plak yg jenis nk stop2 amik passenger dlu.lembap jek.haish.orng nk cepat ni..tgk2 by the time smpai Masjid UNHAS..grup Anis,Man,Shahli n Sarah dh hbs challenges dh.damnn~~~ :| here,kite kna transfer a life small fish,from asatu bekas to other,,erghkk,,geli2 sket nk gigit ikan tu sbb takut ter-over gigit mati plak..but,me?.i just bite off the ikan so that easy nk catch..but unfortunately, ak tergigit ikan tu kuat n i can feel mcm fish fins tu tercabut n msk to my throat.rasa bende jek xenak jek.huu~~
*ok baru tau.ikan patin ke ikan kecik tu??

then,nxt question dpt.clue utk where is the next checkpoint tu.ada dpt the place is the first letter dlm every line of the,we gerak lah to MTOS...spcific lg to the Time Zone tmpat main2.lor,tp smpai awal sgt..sbb Arcade tu tutup ag.huhu~ :| kna lah tunggu;just bazir kan masa.dpt rest an hour..challenge?.have to shoot bola basket in a time given.10 jek.xsusah ar weih,mencabar ar sket!!!..btw,time tgh tunggu ni,our egg tbe2 crack.aiseyh,tp xpecah byk lg lah,huu~ :|

so dpt nxt envelope.instructed utk pergi to a mall whcih hv a karaoke insiden outside of the mall..mall apa?.MP!~ :| giler jauh.huu,kalau naik pete2,diorng xleh nk drop betol2 d mall tu.kna turon naik cab or naik beca pergi ke mall..huu~ so smpai sana the challenge is,have to kayuh a beca with the original trishaw jd d customer..hahahahaha,Rashid bwk laju gler smpai orng beca tu suro slow2,horror.but overall,rashid boleh jd tukang beca~ :P hahaha~ then after that kna patah blk ag,jalan slow2 nk cari pete2 lagi utk blk ke Faculty plak.huu~

smpai FK tgk team Azman ada.kami team 2nd.smpai2,kna tunggu 5 minit?.utk apa kna tunggu plak?.sbb team Azman tgh buat challenge?..lorr.gitu plak.bukak la tmpat baru.aiseyh.challenge kalini kena sepak bola pakai 2 kaki masuk gol.nk smpai ke gol tu plak jalannye dgn ada bumper2 lagi,jalan xrata.mesti scored 10 in a group..ceh ingtkan sorng satu buat 10 gol~ :P tp ntah mcm mana ada masalah dgn time..every team kna guna kupon rehat 1 ada cacar murba lah,macam mana ntah.problms2.malas nk layan.time ni mood pon dh kurng.kna tunggu lama2...

tauhid yang masih cool lagi.xtgk pasni dia dh hot tunggu lama2

so after fnsh challenge sepak bola gne 2 kaki,,kna balik smuler ke rusun..each team dpt a bicycle.terserah mcm mana.hanya boleh guna 1 beskal ni utk smua orng smpai ke rusun..kami apelagi,naik ar 4 orng satu beskal..kayuh kayuh,tgk rantai putus.hahahahahahaha~ :P naik beskal mcm tu mana xnyer putus tali kan,yg naik plak,bkn nyer besar,1st trip ak dgn ipin grk dlu..giler lah,kaki dh hbs cram nk kayuh beskal.smpai2 rusun,tgk mcm dh ramai dh,ada team yg dh ckp 4 konpem ar menang tu,,

ipin patah blk amik rshd n tauhid..but then,waktu tgh sembang,orng2 yg dok jaga checkpoint gitau,kami ada tertinggal satu envelope if dpt top 3 pon,kna denda..trus pk,ala,xd rezki,call2 rashd,diorng baru nk buat kerja jahat nk beli envelope di kata kat diorng xyah lah.dh kantoi dh pon.huuu~~ :( time ni,ipin kayuh2 beskal ag,smpai dh naik pucat.tukar dgn tauhid,rashid tolak beskal.sian tgk ipin dh pucat..pastu,orng jaga checkpoint dok bising2,,"rashid,kena naik beskal xleh tolak!!!",ala,kami xkesah pon lah.nk hbskan game jek.rashd kta xpe,aku pusing 2 round ag.ada satu team ag smpai lbeh kurng dgn team kami,suro bg je kat diorng....its oke..we win FAIR PLAY jek pon xpe~~

so begitulah,,team yang dpt 15 minutes bonus sbb ada problems with diorng punye 2nd clue,smua top 3..xpnting pon tentang 1jam masa rehat ni..smpai2 di daya' ingatkan kena cari kedai telur,tgk2 buat di masjid.ape kes?..smpai2 di MTOS,,tmpat main game Time Zone masih tutup ag.ape kes?..kalau at this time,sure lah team2 yg even start lambat ke,diorng smpat kejar team yg start awl.sama jek.narghh,,xpelah,1st time j pon UMNO buat bende ni.xpelah.apa2 pon kami njoy.thanx UMNO~ ;) nxt time buat ag,konpem kami menang.hahahaha~~

p/s:btw,apa gunanya pegang telur tu??.smpai habes xd mintk apa2 pon~~

Monday, May 10, 2010

we are the champions!~

Chelsea break records to win title

Chelsea clinched the Premier League title and set a new goalscoring record with a sensational destruction of ten-man Wigan at Stamford Bridge.

Terry hails title success

Coach Carlo Ancelotti guided the Blues to their first Championship success since 2006 in his debut season in England as Chelsea took their tally to 103 goals - the highest in the Premier League since Manchester United in 2000 and the first to achieve the century since Tottenham in 1962-63.

United's victory over Stoke at Old Trafford was irrelevant as the Blues finished the season one point clear of their rivals.

Ancelotti's side smashed home seven or more goals for the fourth time this season as Wigan, who had defender Gary Caldwell sent-off on the half-hour, simply capitulated.

A hat-trick from Golden Boot winner Didier Drogba, who finished the season with 29 league goals, two from Nicolas Anelka, a Frank Lampard penalty and others from Salomon Kalou and Ashley Cole, left Chelsea champions and on the brink of a League and FA Cup double.

Rock-band by Guitarist Drogba and Drummer Malouda.

Only Portsmouth now stand in their way of a history-making season for Ancelotti and his team.

The Blues will become only the seventh team in the history of the game to win both competitions if they can overcome Avram Grant's side at Wembley next week.

The Blues were given the best possible start by France international Nicolas Anelka.

The striker, expected to sign a new two-year contract once the season is over, collected a knock down from Florent Malouda to fire past Wigan goalkeeper Mike Pollitt.

Wigan boss Roberto Martinez caused a stir by playing three in defence and for the next 25 minutes they gave Chelsea and their fans some anxious moments.

But the game changed on a pivotal penalty on the half-hour when Lampard was clearly brought down by Wigan defender Caldwell.

Referee Martin Atkinson then produced the red-card for the unfortunate centre-half.

Drogba, chasing the Premier League Golden Boot and level on 26 goals with United's Wayne Rooney, asked Lampard to let him take the spot-kick but the England international rejected his request.

Superb 21st goaled by Lampard

Drogba was distinctly unhappy with Lampard's answer and had to be calmed down by other members of the Chelsea side.

Lampard duly put the penalty into the bottom corner to leave Chelsea in control of their own destiny at half-time.

In the 54th minute the title was sealed as Lampard and Kalou combined for the Ivory Coast international to almost walk the ball into the net.

Two minutes later Chelsea's fans were in dreamland when a cross from Branislav Ivanovic was volleyed home at the far post by Anelka.

With the title now Chelsea's, the only remaining issue to be settled was Drogba and his hunt for the Golden Boot.

That was settled in the 63rd minute when the Ivorian rose highest at the far post to head Lampard's cross into the net and make it 5-0.

It got better for Drogba five minutes later when Cole was brought down and Lampard tossed the ball to Drogba so he could take the penalty.

The Ivorian's spot-kick went in off the post but it mattered littler to Drogba who had taken his tally to the season in the league to 28.

Ancelotti was hailed by the home fans and for the first time in the game the Italian responded by waving to the supporters chanting his name.

Drogba completed his hat-trick 10 minutes from the end of the game as Chelsea made it seven in a game for the fourth time this season.

Substitute Joe Cole's shot was parried by Pollitt but the ball fell kindly to the lurking Drogba who tucked it home for his 29th league strike of the season.

The goal sparked more cheering of Ancelotti but Wigan, who had not tested Petr Cech at all during the one-side contest, finally forced him into action when the Czech international tipped a goalbound shot from substitute Victor Moses over the bar in the 87th minute.

Cole completed the rout when he volleyed home in the final minute to make it 8-0 and as the champagne was sprayed over Ancelotti, the Italian had clearly banished the ghost of Jose Mourinho.

The day belonged to Ancelotti and his attacking side as Chelsea were crowned deserved champions for the fourth time in their history.

Terry hails title success

Chelsea captain John Terry celebrated the end of ''a hard three years'' as his side finally reclaimed the Premier League trophy.

''It's about Chelsea Football Club and our day today. It's been a hard three years, not winning the Premier League, but we've done it today and we deserved it.

''It's been inside of me for three years, seeing Man United lift it season after season and every single one of us has sat there and watched it. And now it's their turn to sit there and watch us today.''

Chelsea boss Carlo Ancelotti told Sky Sports 1: ''It's fantastic, we did our best and I did my best for this club. There's a fantastic atmosphere at this club, with these supporters, and I think we deserved to win the championship after this season. We are very happy.

''There are a lot of things we're happy about. We're happy for this record, for Didier being the top scorer, but the most important thing is that we showed some good play.''

Asked about matching Jose Mourinho's legacy, the Italian said: ''Mourinho did some fantastic work and won two titles consecutively. This is my first and I hope to do the same as Mourinho. Now we have the opportunity to win the double and I hope that my players can, after these celebrations.''

''It has been right up there because of the way we've done it, we finished the season in style. It's been a great Premier League season and I think in the end we deserved to come out on top.''

Asked about Drogba's childish reaction to being denied the chance to take the first penalty to make it 2-0, Lampard said: ''It was nothing. That's what makes Didier what he is. He's hungry.

''It's 1-0, I've been taking the penalties all season and I wanted to score to make it 2-0. Once we went clear then I was more than happy for Didier to go and try to win the Golden Boot. We're a team and we want him to do well. He did it and he deserved to be top scorer.

''Drogba himself was apologetic afterwards.''

I understood,'' he told Sky Sports 1 about the first penalty. ''But at the same time I was disappointed because at 1-0 I wanted to score. I had to get over this frustration and in the second half come back.

''We did so well today I knew I would have some chances to score. I was not happy at first but after, I knew I was making a big mistake and Frank was right.''


More report on the game at,,10268~2047727,00.html

And complete Chelsea Statistics

Owh well,owh well..sgt gembira.even we were knocked out from Champions League, was Jose who beat us..still yet another Cup for us to put in our trophy cabinet..tak tau nk kata apa lagi.but WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS..tak kesah lah bila ke tahun depan nanti ke..tapi tahun ni yang kisah..hahaha~~

CHELSEA FC ARE 2009/2010


tak sabar nak tulis tentang chelsea menang Premier League 2009/2010..tunggu Official gambar lift the cup keluar dlu baru post~ :D ehee~

Friday, May 7, 2010

online shopping~

shopping shopping.paling seronok! not like human opposite of my sex,bwk shopping bags sana sini.(ehe,,ada la sikit xlah byk sgt)..coz guys stuffs really expensive,itu yang sgt xcool..but buying stuffs online sgt far beli d ebay n dresses for my sis.ahaha~

tadi baru beli lagi brng from ebay..but yg jadi mangsa,is kak ngah..sbb pakai her credit card.sorry ngah..i pay u back kan kan~ ;) ehe~ love u so much!.
*bodek bodek so that next time xd probs~

and the latest one is,tunggu green light from papa nak beli

Chelsea 10/11 Home Shirt - Kids
Size: 13-14 Yrs

P95894 HK$ 339.0

Prices set are based on Hong Kong dollar, all other currencies are for reference only.

10/11 Home Kit order - If you have selected other items together with your 10/11 Home Kit Pre-Order, your order will be dispatched after the May 6th 2010, or May 11th 2010 for the 10/11 Goalkeeper shirt

Discount:HK$ 0.0
Subtotal:HK$ 339.0

RM$42.1 (Express)

Basket Total:HK$ 441.0

oh yeah,ak main copy paste jek~ :D memandangkan nak tunggu new season nyer jersey smpai di Adidas MP Makassar ni punyer la lambat..bulan 8 baru dapat?.wth?.orng dah start season ar weih!.ko ingat apa?.haish,,lembap nanti ble Papa Mama dtg Bandung nanti,dh sempat dpt dh baju ni.but still xsure la plak nk yang macam mana kan.sbb version Final FA Cup 2010 pon ada keluar.sekali with the logo..

but then utk baju biasa+logo FA Cup and Sponsor jek,plus RM60.aiseyh.belum delivery total up is rm240..duit lagi,aiyoo.serba salah la plak last season nyer FA Cup Away tu xdpt.cuma dpt kak ngah beli d Stamford Bridge

hurmm,maybe FA CUP nyer goodies kumpul scarf lah kot~ :) ehe~

btw,YEAYYY!!!..dpt sms from dr papa..GREEN LIGHT!!!!..YES!!!!!...DAPAT BELI.YAHOOO!!~ THANX PAPA!!~

on my way to