so last week (Saturday) before balik to Jeneponto (sunday) i manage to follow A2 or Two Star Scuba Diving now,as a 2nd Star or A2 level diver i can what did i do for the test?.
1) open and change my BCD and weight belt with my buddy
2) open and dissamble all my diving equipement under the water
3) navigate some 6 korong2 (stack of steel pipes use as choral) without compass.just base on nature surrounding
4) life-saving maneuver
hah,,thank god my tests not that so hard compared to Rashid's test (he followed Sunday programme) where he has to dive from the surface to the 5 meters water-bed to re-assemble his,5 meters skin-diving is already deep considering that we are not orng2 nelayan,,huuu~~ :|
but He has a lot of good pictures compared to me..ada banner course la.ada makan2 la..perghh~~

an my days just getting busy..a little miss communication about my Health Program which im the manager of the program..smua bende xsiap lg.hari tu jgk pergi cari Flip Chart.buat slides.buat left-let (dunno wut to say..left-let yg bagi2 orng tu)..alhamdulillah lastly siap jgk..
i also managed to made 6 posters when im in Makassar for holidays.xd la buat.amik je from internet,but a little bit edit,print besar and laminate..owh,lupa nk Health Program topic is the Danger of Smoking~ :) *wink wink~

So,my program is to give a talk about smoking and was held at a Junior High School in my village tu..everthing goes well as i planned.although my Indonesian language xd lah that long as they got what im trying to say to pon cukup~
actually i have to give another talk about smoking also to the villagers.but this time im giving my task to my posko mate.she more fluent and more Makassarian making it a lot easier
but ironically,time giving the talk,bapak2 ada jek yang smoking~~ :P ehehehe~~
ok,the day going back home yesterday (sunday) that afternoon we attended a weeding some daging kuda (horse meat)..wanna say nyummy not that nyummy coz quiet a smell of kuda jugak,,and makes our body turn "hot",,ehe~
so,right away off to makassar with ipin,pokja and khaliss~~~