Monday, July 26, 2010

after a week balik lagi

yaa,minggu ni blk lagi.after last week dh blk 5 hari..memegang rekod posko balik paling lama..this time back for 4 days.ehe~

so last week (Saturday) before balik to Jeneponto (sunday) i manage to follow A2 or Two Star Scuba Diving now,as a 2nd Star or A2 level diver i can what did i do for the test?.

1) open and change my BCD and weight belt with my buddy
2) open and dissamble all my diving equipement under the water
3) navigate some 6 korong2 (stack of steel pipes use as choral) without compass.just base on nature surrounding
4) life-saving maneuver

hah,,thank god my tests not that so hard compared to Rashid's test (he followed Sunday programme) where he has to dive from the surface to the 5 meters water-bed to re-assemble his,5 meters skin-diving is already deep considering that we are not orng2 nelayan,,huuu~~ :|

but He has a lot of good pictures compared to me..ada banner course la.ada makan2 la..perghh~~

this is Rashid with the gang (rambut gonrong-afro)..hampa xdpt gmbar dgn banner.huu~

then,balik ke Jeneponto awl..around 715am.line was clear..rempit cecah 100-120 km/h..2 hours arrived in my posko..

an my days just getting busy..a little miss communication about my Health Program which im the manager of the program..smua bende xsiap lg.hari tu jgk pergi cari Flip Chart.buat slides.buat left-let (dunno wut to say..left-let yg bagi2 orng tu)..alhamdulillah lastly siap jgk..

i also managed to made 6 posters when im in Makassar for holidays.xd la buat.amik je from internet,but a little bit edit,print besar and laminate..owh,lupa nk Health Program topic is the Danger of Smoking~ :) *wink wink~

So,my program is to give a talk about smoking and was held at a Junior High School in my village tu..everthing goes well as i planned.although my Indonesian language xd lah that long as they got what im trying to say to pon cukup~

actually i have to give another talk about smoking also to the villagers.but this time im giving my task to my posko mate.she more fluent and more Makassarian making it a lot easier

but ironically,time giving the talk,bapak2 ada jek yang smoking~~ :P ehehehe~~

ok,the day going back home yesterday (sunday) that afternoon we attended a weeding some daging kuda (horse meat)..wanna say nyummy not that nyummy coz quiet a smell of kuda jugak,,and makes our body turn "hot",,ehe~

so,right away off to makassar with ipin,pokja and khaliss~~~

Friday, July 16, 2010

Toy Story 3 : 3D

yuph,1st time tgk 3D di cinema here in Makassar,,Toy Story 3 plak tu,,it was really fun and really awesome..thanx to Kak Sha n Bad,,it was hilarious,and ada part yg touching2..

by the end of the story,rasa sy je kt toy2 yg ada..yeah,had many toys back in Malaysia.kalau boleh smua nk most of them di hntar kampung..have no attics utk simpan2 toys ni..either hntar kampung or bg kt rumah anak2 yatim jek..

but my precious toys still ada up till now.even kt makasar ni pon ada je toys2..but already big,now playing big boys toys,,hahaha~~ :D

apa2 pon,tabik to toy story 3..a follower since Toy Story 1~ ;)

You've Got A Friend In Me Lyrics

Songwriters: Newman, R

You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me

When the road looks rough ahead
And you're miles and miles from your nice warm bed
You just remember what your old pal said

Boy, you've got a friend in me
Yeah, you've got a friend in me

You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me

You've got troubles and I've got 'em too
isn't anything I wouldn't do for you
We stick together and see it through

'Cause you've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me

Some other folks might be
A little bit smarter than I am
Bigger and stronger too, maybe
But none of them will ever love you
The way I do it's me and you

Boy, and as the years go by
Our friendship will never die
You're gonna see it's our destiny

You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me

You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me

"Hay un amigo en mi" by the Gipsy Kings:

(Spanish Version)

Hay un amigo en mi
Hay un amigo en mi
Cuando salgas a volar
Hay un amigo en mi
Si, un amigo en mi
Hay un amigo en mi

Hay un amigo en mi
Hay un amigo en mi
Cuando salgas a volar
Hay un amigo en mi
Si, un amigo en mi
Hay un amigo en mi

Hay muchos que pueden ser
Un poco más listos
Mas nunca habrá quien pueda ser
Un amigo fiel
Que tú lo sabes

Los años pasarán
Lo nuestro no morirá
Lo vas a ver, mejor tener
Un buen amigo en mí
Hay un amigo en mí
Un buen amigo en mí
Hay un amigo en mí

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

10 things i did when arrived at home from Jeneponto

harini blk makassar.cuti 3 hari,jumaat dh kena balik.saje xd excuse kukuh pon~ :P ehehe~

back to title:

1.bukak pagar rumah
2.parking motor
3.bukak pintu rumah
4.lari tgk aquarium ipin (huu,,time nk gerak pegi jeneponto,umah blackout,ingtkan xd letrik.mintklah junior-anis tlg byrkan bil dh byr2 still xd letrik.hampir apa terjadi?.) ----- aquarium ipin dulu ada 15 ekor ikan +- skrng dh tinggl 2 ekor..huu
5.lari pergi masuk bilik sendiri tgk aquarium,,,naga albino dan tiger dh mati,,huu~ :( so sad but in same time happy n bersyukur sbb ALI still hidup dan memanjang dan besar!!..ehehe~~ :D

air sgt keruh,,huu,,nnti basuh

6.tgk aquarium satu lagi,,alhamdulillah kura-kura 4 ekor smua ada lagi,,tp 10 ekor udang smua dh mati,,hurmm,,xpelah,udang murah jek,,at least ada lagi yg hidup

selepas mencuci

7.basuh aquarium kura2 sbb busuk mentong!!..
8.basuh toilet
9.masak nasi (seb baik mintk anis bayarkn bil tenet skali..letrik dh ada,leh online)

okedeh,,nnti further upload gmbar2 13 hari di KKN-PK Dusun Bontomanai, Desa Bontonompo, Kecamatan Kelara, Kabupaten Jeneponto, Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan~ ;)