been so long!!!..
btw, Assalamualaikum and good day to you all..
so, my last entry April eh?. May, June, July, August, September, October. 6 bulan dah. phewww..
what happen these past 6 months?. hurmmm...
nak buat ceritanya, April bulan yang agak sulit untuk dihadapi. Hari Isnin, 23/4, (just back from scuba diving), i had Nosebleed or Epistaxis. 1st time dalam hidup pergi scuba diving, darah hidung post-diving. Atas boat dah berdarah dah sikit. Ingatkan dah balik rumah, tidur, rest apa smua oklah kan. tengok2 mandi pagi keesokan harinya, hidung masih berdarah. banyak jugak. tapi nak tak nak kena jgk pergi Hospital (i was in Psychiatry Dept that time).
i was the chief for clinical students that week. so, kena datang awal, nak uruskan students yang posting at the dept. bawak lah kain. still, nosebleed tak berkurang. makin banyak. dah uruskan diorang apa semua, i was station at the clinic. Letak la kain dlm pocket (hand towel yang orang buat lap muka tu. kecik panjang tu). As i was with the patient, still my nosebleed. pegang2 kain, lap-lap. dah lama gitu, Doktor perasan, tanya, kain apa. mula malas nak tunjuk, tp maybe dia dah perasan kot something kt kain tu. So, tunjuk la kain yang penuh darah tu.
The Blood and The Kain (kat rumah sebelum went to hospital) |
cakap2, dia kasi permission. dapat early off for the day. dia suruh balik rehat. or pergi jumpe Doctor ENT. (time tu, my housemate; Arifin was in ENT dept, try to call him, tak dapat. So, called Dr. Arief (sama2 pergi scuba diving semalam. Unfortunately, dia busy. Suruh call Dr. Dimas, his colleague, scuba-diver sama2 pergi diving jugak haritu (nasib baik kenal rapat jgk). So, met him at the Hospital (hospital lain. tak sama dgn hospital psychiatry).
So, we went to see ENT clinic. the doctor said just anterior bleeding. letak tampon je and the bleeding stop. Alhamdulillah. balik, rest. Esok resume hari2 macam biasa.
Ok, Tu Satu..
hari rabu malam khamis pulak. It was UEFA Champions League 2nd Leg : Barcelona vs Chelsea. So, tgk la gila2. Chelsea draw, tp proceed to finals in aggregate 3-2). Happy sangat time tu.
We, in Makassar, every Tuesday and Friday night, akan main futsal. So, Jumaat malam tu, main la futsal (pakai Chelsea Away Jersey warna putih yang seri dgn Barcelona tu). Happy kan sebab menang. So, boleh sarcasm, boleh nganjing2 la dgn bebudak yang sokong Barcelona. and malam tu, i was really energetic. usually we played 2 hours. 10pm-12am. That night, extend another 1 hour.
Wearing this jersey that night. Chelsea Away UCL Mata 10 |
12:30am, my team already finish playing. team lain masuk. sebab time tu semangat lagi, sambung main lagi untuk team yang baru masuk tu, jadi goalkeeper. As, our team tengah draw 1-1, i dribble the ball from my goal sampai ke atas. As i wanted to shoot, the opponent keeper pon charging me, trying to block me.
Malang tak berbau, as he comes sliding to block the ball, I kicked his leg. And his momentum bring me down. Time tu i heard something.
"POP"!. i wasn't expect anything. Just feeling a little bit pain. I checked my leg and then i realized that,
Lebih kurangla macam ni |
Yes. My left leg. the shooting leg. Angkat kaki, tengok-tengok, kaki dah longlai. Terjatuh. Boleh kata macam kaki Ramsey patah la. Waktu tu, (kalau orang nak mati, dia akan flashback kan?. dia terfikir semula apa yang dia telah buat, all the Past), Me, i think about the future. Macam mana nak bagitau my parents?. how will they react?. how my clinical years going to be?. macam-macam. huhu..
At that time tak terasa sangat sakit. maybe because all the adrenaline rush from futsal kan. Dah slow down sikit, bila my friends datang, nk betulkan my leg kasi straight again, nak Reduction kan and allignment balik, waktu tu baru pains kick-in. huu..
Menjerit-jerit. "kaki aku patah!.. Ya Allah!. Kaki aku patah!. betul ke ni?.
tolong la aku mimpi"... but, it was not a dream. My friends trying to calm me down. diorng cari something to support my leg. Temporary support. Guna kotak keras, and ikat with my own shoelaces. Huuuu,
Pakai kotak, ikat dengan tali kasut. |
Syukur Alhamdulillah, my friends was there. they help me a lot. angkat
dalam stretcher (nasib baik tempat futsal tu ada stretcher). bawak naik
lorry pick-up, bawak pergi hospital for X-ray.
With Aqeel (my housemate) |
with Hawairy, Khalis, Azwan, Baim, Azman |
Fracture 1/3 Distal Tibia Fibula |
At the hospital, baru proper support guna kayu dan bandage. huu |
On my way to hospital, atas Pick-up, cuma called Kak Lee je (my eldest sister). tak dapat call Mama, Papa because they were in Korea for holidays. Sabtu malam baru sampai Malaysia.
And it was Saturday morning that time. tak operation on the spot la sebab my injury ikutkan tak serious sangat la. The bones just minimal displace. OKlah. boleh tunggu Monday. and i still tak contact my parents lagi kan. Sabtu malam, when my parents arrived at KLIA, terus called. Kena membebel apa semua. Kena marah on the phone etc. (I deserve it).
So, my parents will fly to Makassar on Wednesday. (flight KL-Makassar 4x/week. Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday). 2 days after my surgery.
Monday morning, was my surgery day. Surgery done by Prof. Dr. dr. Chaeruddin. One of our lecturers and doctors. The hospital yang i admit tu pon, is his hospital. (Hospital Hikmah). He really loves Malaysian student, so, memang layanan best la kan. hehe.
Rashid (housemate and guardian) |
My friend, Hafiz. Station at the hospital. He was on the phone with mama (pre-Op) |
Dah selamat kena GA (General Anesthetic). Kena intubate. | | | | |
Placing the plate at fibula |
Fibula plating picture 2. |
If you can see my Tibia fractured. |
Dikerjakan! |
Stiching and nearly done |
Final prep |
End Result |
Alhamdulillah, the surgery went well. After 1-2 hours dah keluar Operation theater, pergi recovery room. Terjaga pon dalam recovery room.
My leg from my view |
Boleh senyum lagi tu. hehe |
Visit from my juniors |
Mama, Papa and my Nabil (posting at the hospital) |
Prof. Chaer (between mama and papa), with Dr. Budu (my Vice-dean) |
So, Wednesday my parents arrived and i was in the hospital till Thursday. Friday we back home to Malaysia where i will rest for another 2 months.
Khalis giving me a shot before going to airport |
At the airport. With Hafiz and Izzudin |
Anyway, I really really want to thanks All my friends. My batch mates yang helping me around, yang menjaga setiap malam, yang datang melawat, yang melayan my parents bawak pergi jalan-jalan. dan seniors/juniors yang datang melawat. Really appreciate it.
For additional photos : can view in my FB Photo Album here :)
*will continue in my next post : My follow-up*