Friday, January 27, 2012

27 days after 2011

been awhile (a while or awhile?..pon tak tahulah..english dah makin terhakis duduk indon ni) not posting..

already 2012..and a week since passing my 23rd birthday..

tomorrow have Internal Medicines exam..hidup dah byk tapi rasa mcm tak cukup jek..tonight going to the hospital untuk ambil patient for exam tomorrow..hopefully ada patient with sign/symptoms yang jelas dan special..

next week another major Dept= Pediatrics.. frankly speaking, saya tak suka sangat dengan budak2 kecik. lagi2 yang baby.. bukannya tak suka apa.. its just to communicate with them to yang susah.. baby sakit apa nak tanya?. tanya2 pon nanti dia jawab dgn tangisan jek. apa2 pon menangis.. wanna help them tapi no definite things to do..

anyway,will post again later on.. enjoy your day!