ok,,last 3 weeks i made an agreement with my sister,i want to borrow her money and i will pay her back..its a professionally loan agreement that we make as my sis she is working with a bank in Australia and handling all kinds of loan with her team. So, i decided to hire her skills on this matter..
Firstly let me tell u sumthing,,last holidays on January, i went to Australia for jalan2 with my friend ajan , her mom aunty rohayah n my cousin nabila.memendekkan criter,at the end of the holidays, we went to Canberra for last jalan2 after visiting Melbourne and Sydney..quiet a great holidays n what a closing to it,,
d day we suppose blk to Kuala Lumpur, heading back to Canberra, i drove along the Hume Highway. We bertolak after subuh around 5Am. It was a clear and no cars that time so i decide to drove a lil bid off speed limits (110km/h) to 120-130km/h,,and suddenly when i saw a dark,hairy animal d tgh2 highway tu,, xsmpat nk buat apa2,,dooosshh i ran of it,ok it was a Wombat..after dh langgar ia,around 15mins-20mins,engine light menyala n our car start to keluar asap,,oh damn,,kreta panas and i stopped d car d bahu jalan..keluar utk check kreta oh n i saw our radiator partially busted,so patut la kreta panas..

huu,then kitorng smua evacuated the car n mula keluarkan barang2 dr kereta,,n nk buat criter nyer,early that morning,my camera Canon Powershot G9 tu diletakkan d bonet kereta,ada a small place kt tepi tu,,so mcm tersorok la,dh la camera warna hitam,casing warna hitam

so after reached Sydney,baru perasan camera xd.im so silly letak kat situ,knape xsimpan dlm beg trus in which wut slalu i did,huu~~
so calling2 company kereta sewa tu,xjumpe jgk,,n ble putar belit putar belit dgn mama papa,walaupon diorng marah kejap,mama said,"kalau nk balik m'sia,make sure ada CAMERA!!",,oh crap..jd bermula lah kisah agreement dgn my sis~
so,after survey2 around d camera,jumpe di ebay.a whole set punye,,even its 2nd hand,but after tgk2 gambar,n kak ngah said ok,so we bid n buy it for $ AUD 570 = dlm RM 1700 and i get another underwater casing.so i have 2 of it..but the old one i manage to sell it to my scuba diving friend for IDR RP 1 Juta = RM 350,,tak lah byk tp oklah sbb i bought it for IDR RP 2 Juta,
tp bukan ni je i bought from ebay ada lg bbrapa stuffs,mostly utk d camera
and ada brng luaran jgk actually,,a Sennheiser PX 100, cost around $AUD 30 = RM 90 which i firstly won it utk bidding,ehe~ :D
so these are the stuffs that i won
1) camera complete package,,1 camera,2 batteries,1 waterproof casing,1 lens adapter,1 macro lens,3 filters,2GB memory card.

jd how i pay it?.ahahaha,setiap bulan tolak $AUD 94=RM 280=IDR 780ribu dr bank.haa~~ :P
now,,all the stuffs telah smpai to my sis cuma d headphone yg postage from UK still blom smpai lg~ :)
apa2 pon,thanx kak ngah,luvf u sis!~
really looking forward these stuffs smpai sini~
in other words... casing bb tu dh ader la?
ReplyDeleteblom lg,,
ReplyDeletekan coming satu lg,,
kwn boy yg US tu dia xblk ar dis summer,,
ok.. dh bitau mmbr kt US tu.. kte nnt dier usha. kalo xde, beli online ah. post trus ke indo/mas...
ReplyDeleteokie dokie~ :) kalau dh bli tgk dlu la mcm mana pos ke atau summer ada junior dia blk ke kan~ :)