before back to Australia..kak ngah organized a little open house plus a besday carry forward yg dtg the families,kawan2 kak ngah and neighbours2 yg dkt2..
menu for that night..
1) nasi briayani
2) kambing golek bakar
3) char kuey tiow
4) lemang and ketupat
5) cendol
6) abc
7) ice-creame cake kak ngah
agak best dan kenyang..sgt seronok..but pity esoknya dh blk to Indo.kalau bleh lepak lama sket,can hang out with the cousings ape smua.huu,,
owh owh..tu tgk lah ape jadi pada kak ngah,,i was a lil bit miscalculated and terlupa about the cake..waktu pergi ambik ptg td with Naquiah,suro lah orng BR tu letak dry utk around 1-2 hours nyer..but smpai rumah,,kelam2 kabut nk prepare.terlupa psl cake tu..dok atas meja n xletak dlm freezer..amik kau...Cake Meltdown lah kan...
tp xpe..tetap masuk dlm perot jgk~ :D ehehe~
and btw,,it was a double birthday..kak ngah yg in advance dgn Uncle Faiz yg mmg hari dia punya besday~ :)
the night ended around 11pm..nasi ada sket je left overs.,char kuey tiow smua hbs.n naseb baiklah panggil Catering.xd ar leteh sgt.itu pun ada jgk lah pakai brng2 rumah apa smua..mlm tu dok mengerjakan cuci2 cawan2 yg dipakai apa smua..but barang tak pack lagi..haiyooo,,,
lastly family picture~ ;)
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