either one birthday, kak ngah or kak lee. where am i??
jalan2 to Singapore
obviously i love messing around with someone birthday
again..kak ngah claim saya penyibuk!
dont know when is this. mybe some occasion kt kampung.
the day i insist i wanna go to school. sibuk2 sports day at kak ngah's school
tunjuk belang. Yamaha Junior Music Course
Yamaha Kuala Terengganu. 5 years old maybe
jalan2 to Singapore
obviously i love messing around with someone birthday
again..kak ngah claim saya penyibuk!
dont know when is this. mybe some occasion kt kampung.
the day i insist i wanna go to school. sibuk2 sports day at kak ngah's school
tunjuk belang. Yamaha Junior Music Course
Yamaha Kuala Terengganu. 5 years old maybe
have to scan my own childhood photos :) 22 years 5 months. 20th Jan 1989-20th June 2011..pheww~~~
cm xcaye je dh 22.. coz.. ure stil boy to me huhuhu