so today, i got my birthday present from Amal.. dia balik M'sia for Sem break. jadi mintak dia amikkan from my mom kt Klinik..
Very Happy and Thankfully to Papa, Mama, Kak Lee, Kak Ngah and Abang Amar (and Amal too)..
So, dapat parcel from this bag.. tuan dia suruh pulangkan balik, tapi bag ni sangat tempting dan mcm cantik2..hurmmm :P

bile dh dikeluarkan semuanya.....

So, sort it by category sikit lah

Olympique Lyonnais Away Kit 2011/2012, Training Jerseys, (Chelsea 2011/2012 Away and France tak nampak..ada kat bawah tu.huu).
Papa bought it at Stade de Gerland. Official Olympique Lyonnais. and dapat 2 tickets tgk UEFA Champions League final game vs Dinamo Zangreb.. Free kot.. Terbaik!!..
Then ada keychains2 2-3 la jugak.. not in picture. ada in OL plastice souvenirs bag
oh oh.. my dad bought me a 3/4 training pants. tak tahu la kan. Papa always know when i need something. mmg nak sgt seluar 3/4 tu. utk sports. yang lama dh koyak dah, kt Makassar xd yang berkenan. tp papa beli, just awesome!!.. *he always has his instinct!
Got 2 cards,, from Mama and Papa.. and From Kak Ngah too (Abg Amar passed up to Mama sebab he went to OZ last Dec. Ada la kan Choc2 tu.. Mama mesti kasi nyer :P

Then from Abg Amar, US Marine Corps punya combat hat.. Awesome giler!. fits my head. ORIGINAL with tags..mmg terus pakai sampai skrng :P

and FOODSSS!!!!!... Foods yang wajib bawak balik sini!!
Burger Ramli, Meggi and Ribena.. all from Amal :)) hee,,

and ada 2 pairs of shoes. Hiking Boots and Running Shoes :)
got all these presents, terus tweet and whats app and bbm papa, kak ngah and abg amar. kasi diorng tgk.hehe..
oh and January B'day present :
-i got An Adidas Clima Cool Bag from Anis.. sgt cantik.ramai yang kata bag tu lawo ;)
- a pair of new Adidas Adi5 x-style shoes (baru pakai sekali since beli. xde masa.huu)
- a pair of New Mares Liquidskin Mask and Hydraflex J Snorkel :D

And afterwards 20th Jan,, Mama Papa Celebrate their 33rd Wedding Anniversary <3

Dan lagi ke-awesome-an when mama received a Medal from DYMM Agong pada Hari Wilayah

Pingat Pangkuan Mahkota Wilayah
Hpy 23rd Birthday to me and may it be my 23 Enigma!!

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