10 weeks of misery in paeds dept..and tadi i finished my clinical exam with my supervisor. disebabkan tak sebeberapa into this dept, i found it hard to focus and to study paeds.. comparing from other exams in other dept, exam tadi sgtlah menakutkan.. lagi2 bila exam dgn head of dept kan.waaaaaa~~
but tak de la total misery sgt dgn kerenah2 budak kecik. sbnarnye its teaches me to be more responsible to my patients. tak de la kata nk buat acuh2 je kan. sbb budak2..demam sikit je dh kasi significant. lain dgn adults..
my last rotation in paeds dept was in Perinatology. a week in Neonates ICU. yang best nyer the ICU side by side with Obgyn dept. obgyn is one of my fav dept and im looking forward to enter the dept ASAP!..
what is interesting at NICU was, if ada persalinan, kita boleh masuk ruang persalinan, look and see the starting life of a human being, the first voice, the first cried that echoes the room.. keluar je from the mother's crib, I start working as a paed dctor. receive the baby, kita keringkan, lap2, measures the baby physical app and vitals etc..
ada la this baby sgt comel, a boy. i name him baby syafiq. hahahaha..
dah balut2 dlm kain, amik2 gambar sket,then gave him to his mom for nursering. lebih cepat, lebih bagus. so that the baby and his mom has mother-child bonding..

that morning je dpt a pair baby. a boy and a girl. dua2 pon comel :)
so, there finished my 10 weeks rotation in paeds dept. now im into Psychiatry Dept.. dept yang sangat kelakar. kelakar sbb apa?. tgk kerenah orang buat kita gembira. dept yg tak stress :P
hopefully, my Paeds result tak lah badly sangat. insyaallah, Amin~ :)) hehee..
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