Thursday, August 26, 2010

when my bb hits the hard ground at 120km/h

yuph,,as mentioned above...

i was late for a meeting (when im in Jeneponto) the road was clear and i tancap2 the gas till 120km/h ++..furthermore,down the hill and agak lah laju..

suddenly in a glimpse i saw sumthing black going out of my pocket,i ignored it coz i thought it was my friend's hand trying to reach sumthing at me...after a while riding my baby bike,i checked for my BB,,and,,,dooshh,,theres she goes,not in the pocket..

ask my friend to call the phone but no patah balik to the place rasa2 jatuh my friend try to call the phone cari2,after a while,,alhamdulillah jumpa..

but my BB quiet a mess,calar balar sana sini,,tp just the border rim jek..seb baik the screen was fine..still can change the cover


  1. giler nazak! baru 6+ bln umurnyer!

  2. kak lee,dh lama laa.papa got it last year bln april lg..dia punyer border tu jek dah scratch.sbb last time punya casing quiet scratchy kalau di bukak cabut bukak its just outside jek.dlm still ok..jatuh haritu pon ada casing dia cover sket.. :D
