lalu ku buka inbox fb.tgk2 a mesaage dr kak Nisa yg ak sungguh xmengerti~ :D after some explanation,actually kak nisa want me to help her buying some dress through facebook.but the stuffs locate in indonesia..but kak nisa pon dh naik bengkek dgn owner tu mesej2 bahse indon hingga menyebabkan dia tak faham. *akak mesej sy pon dh jadi mcm orng indon~ :P so,i translate a lil bit of it.rupanya,owner tu xpernah posting to Malaysia,quiet hard for her lah.but,as i'm here in Indonesia,make it easier..
so, kak Nisa show me the pics of the dress and the page on the fb profile.WOW,ok,baju2 sgt cantek.damn it,y cant lah boys nyer stuffs like these.murah dan cantek.kasut pon mahal2.beli kasut sepasang je dh suku duit scholar aku habes.haish,so im also being hypnotized with the baju2 yg lawa.
mula2 kak Nisa show me these two dresses
1) Flowerish Dress

2) Zipper Lace

and she asked about the price.d prices for both xsmpai Rp200k la,convert to Ringgit pon baru brape.Ape lagi,dgn gembiranya,kak Nisa menambah lah satu lagi dress yang dia mau.
3) High-waist Abstract

Laa???.mcm mana kak Nisa boleh pilih yg ni dh bookmark dh this dress nk bagi pd Naquiah (memandangkan nanti dia sure iri hati dan ada tendency nk curi pakai baju Kak Nisa)..
kak Nisa dgn pantas COP!! COP!! COP DULU!!!..dangg!~~ "haa,Naquiah mana pakai2 mcm ni Syafiq", haish,xd xd kak Nisa saje je kan..ishk!!~ :P ehehe~
jd kna la carik lain~~
that night cari2 dresses from the photo album profile FB tu..the prob is,the designer just made a few of the dress So,byk yg cantek2 mcm dh -SOLD- -SOLD-
end up i put several dresses and ask kak Nisa which one okay for her..
and,,kak Nisa pon pilih the one that im thinking of too
4) High-waist Black and Flower

haa,i think there's no difference sgt pon with kak Nisa's High-waist Abstract tu.hahaha.last2 nnti kak Nisa jgk yg pakai~ :P ehe~
and last monday i went to the bank utk transfer the,for 4 shantek2 dresses u can get only around rm 120 jek??.ape lagi,kak Nisa sgt tersenyum lebarlah :D
so ptg smalam (rabu) i text the dealer how long will it take utk smpai to Makassar these dresses..ok for 4 days mybe.jumaat lah kot..dan dan nk text kak Nisa kata dresses smpai hari jumaat,tbe2 Rashid (housemate) msk bilik kata ada orng hntar pos,,apalagi?.abandon kan hp amik pos dlu.ternyata dresses dh smpai (malam semalam,hari Rabu jugak).cepat ok!.haha~
check2 ada 3 jek?.baju Kak Nisa yg Highway Abstract xd!.so sms lg dealer tu tanye.yup,dia harini (khamis) baru pos now,3 dresses lah dulu~ :)
ok,cantek dan cantek lagi kalau di pakai.
p/s:Naquiah,kalau awk baca ni,STOP curik2 stuffs kak Nisa..ehe!!~ :P
btw,the middle one is for you~ :)
xde model nyer ke? hahaa
ReplyDeletemodel?.xkan saya nk kna pakai kot,haaa