my last sem before entering clinical years.Insyaallah can clear it.wanna say im ready itu xd lah.just an average.Actually,my 1st choice is wanna be a pilot.but then,wearing specs make it kind of tertutup although today my uncle said ramai je students yg wearing specs entering flying school.what to do?.smua bright2 students skrng ni nerd2 and pakai specs.Nerd?.haha,not me.

Being a pilot is my really dream.mana tak nyer,,duduk di Subang Jaya, aeroplane keep on passing above my atap rumah 24/7 (when Airport Subang was still operating)..flight lalu je,i rush outside utk tgk ia. eventough just nmpak bwh je,i will be so satisfy...once i think of wanna naik atas atap n hold on to sumthing yg panjang such as buluh utk cucuk2 the flight when they pass up atas atap..n pernah jugak hoping one day,there will be a flight crashes down (crash tp tak terbakar or meletop lah.still in good condition) in front of my house and will be my playground.boleh keluar masuk duduk di cockpit.weee~ :P
and that time in Subang Jaya, Papa working in JKR TUDM,papa will bring me into the base everday following him and send me to an aunty who will b taking care of me.and afterwards will bring me jalan2 near the hangar so that i can see the flight there,and mostly slalu nmpak the C-130 Hercules and sometimes F/A-18 Hornet or MiG-29N..
and my dream come true when i was in a flight from Kota Kinabalu to KLIA..i was given the opportunity to be in the cockpit with the MAS pilot and the Co-pilot..fuh for the full journey.right after we took off till semua orng keluar dr flight.sgt seronok.dpt tgk da runway lights making an arrow was sgt kool.ok saya JAKUN.korng pernah tgk tak?.they ar making sign >>> >> >,i was mcm "oh,mcm ni ke dr atas.sronok nye" but then tbe2 time tu pon terfikir about Die Hard 2 where the terrorist tempered with the control tower,change the runway position so the aircraft will be over budget where the runway is waktu mau landed.suddenly,,,boom!!~..hahaha~ :P

leaving in eat cost of Malaysia was sgt seronok.naik flight was really a routine for me n kak holidays jek,we will be the first once reaching KL.7 years in Terengganu and Kelantan,sgt bermakna dpt naik flight..always for both of us akan dpt souvenirs from the stewardess.but until kak ngah in secondary school my time to be travel alone..we will get a "travel alone" it was mcm excited.kecik2 sorng2 and dilayan stewardess.fuhh,sgt menarik..and my aunty who will be always pick me up d first long journey to Mecca utk Umrah..our flight delayed n sgt full.n i incontinencely xbleh nk tahan pee my first pee pee in the waiting room.but in the bottle ok.ahahaha~~ :P
traveling is in our family blood.mama papa kaki jalan.seeing their albums around Europe,US,Japan,Korea make me really jealous.until now they all every year surely go somewhere.honeymoon?.haha.msk boarding school really one of the best.taking French for my foreign language class really encouraging.went to France for a month living there with my foster parents really a memory.celebrating Christmas,great dinner,changing present.ehe~ ;) arghh,there's no photo to put here.
and now,studying abroad,everytime wanna go home,aeroplane is the transport.and i will be there standing in front of the plane thinking when will i sit n control a plane.mama said,"its oke,after u grad,working as a doctor,and have money,u go masuk flying class like Ir.Zaini.former JKR Senior Director.he is an engineer yet he bwk kapal terbang".ok Ma,kpl terbang kecik pon xpe.asalkan terbang~ :D ehe~
ok,baiklah,sekarang ni,apa perlu buat?.study smart,be a good and great doctor,become rich,and take flying license..and probably a boat license jgk sbb i really into water and sea.senang sket having own boat pergi diving with all the members.haha.angan2.its oke having dream..

"A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep. In dreams you will lose your heartaches. Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams, and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true" ~Cinderella~
hai bottttttt,,hehehe,,cumelnyer ko nk cucuk kapal terbang atas bumbung,,hahahahaha
ReplyDeletesiyes,,flight dkt sgt.xleh pasang ariel tinggi2.nnti bleh kena badan pesawat..ak kt bwh gerammm jekk,,
ReplyDeletegoodluck exams ^_^
ReplyDeletebuat baik2. jgn majuk sbb twitter td k. heee