some say its lame and boring listening to these kind of music,but depends lah kan..ive been into music since i was 4 years old. Mama sent us (me,kak lee and kak ngah) joining Yamaha Music School. Kak lee and kak ngah since di Subang Jaya too small to join there but as we moved to Terengganu, i started my carrier joining d Junior Music Course (JMC)
Really enjoying to join the school..Mama papa bought us an EL-60 Electone so that we can train at home..JMC quiet seronok sbb still really hard notes to know. and class was every weekend. im also the only anak melayu that time.mostly chinese. im proud of it..

Ive been performing into several concert and first show waktu tu i was 5 for my sekolah agama nyer program.majlis anugerah something like that.held di dewan besar near perpustakaan Terengganu..ok la,just kanak2,tak tau takut lg..bila dh pindah Kota Bharu and sekarang dh bukan JMC,,taking YMC and advance music course pulak..
so i was 10 kot, and Yamaha will be organising a big show di Dewan Besar Cina..mmg sgt besar..for the show i have to play 2 songs.. i didnt remember the first one.its for the opening ceremony and Turkish March utk next performance..huhu,,my teacher Miss ..... (i cant really remember her name) really push me extra hard for this..mana tak nyer,,everytime training, not me yang crying,my teacher who cried,,sometimes she was really down and patah hati dh.menangis keluar bilik sbb tak tahan i did the same mistakes all over again.Turkish March was really hard for me that time.sgtlah laju ok!.
so,after extra homeworks di rumah,Mama will hear me playing sambil2 dia tgh masak di dapur.kalau salah mama sure macam "BOY salah tu!!!"..although mama didnt get the chance utk blajar music, she has a really good ears to listen kalau ada yg sumbang..and if mama dh siap masak,mama will ready besides me,watching me holding the "Bulu Ayam"..huhu~
random playing picture
so i was 10 kot, and Yamaha will be organising a big show di Dewan Besar Cina..mmg sgt besar..for the show i have to play 2 songs.. i didnt remember the first one.its for the opening ceremony and Turkish March utk next performance..huhu,,my teacher Miss ..... (i cant really remember her name) really push me extra hard for this..mana tak nyer,,everytime training, not me yang crying,my teacher who cried,,sometimes she was really down and patah hati dh.menangis keluar bilik sbb tak tahan i did the same mistakes all over again.Turkish March was really hard for me that time.sgtlah laju ok!.
so,after extra homeworks di rumah,Mama will hear me playing sambil2 dia tgh masak di dapur.kalau salah mama sure macam "BOY salah tu!!!"..although mama didnt get the chance utk blajar music, she has a really good ears to listen kalau ada yg sumbang..and if mama dh siap masak,mama will ready besides me,watching me holding the "Bulu Ayam"..huhu~

so,it was Friday,the day utk rehearsal.Jumaat is cuti here in pagi pegi reharsal and pulang before solat petang mcm biasa training was around 7.30pm,right after dinner when i got a call from my teacher "Syafiq, where are you?.The show will be starting soon (8pm).hurry up" i was,,"MAMA!!!..teacher call.dia kata show malam ni laa,bukan esok!.(saturday)"..apalagi,mama tgk surat invitation and start to panic..tak siap lagi apa smua..nasib baik baju dh ironed.
at this time,i was really cool.lek lek je sudah.mama plak siap2,and smpai around 7.50pm di dewan..entering the hall was sooooo made me freak-out.RAMAI GILA ORANG!!!..and they are all looking at me.mmg waktu ni tachycardia,hypertension,palpitation,anxiety,semua ada.and my teacher came to me giving me a glass of water,,mana tak the one who plays for the opening ceremony kot..and there will be a group of students lagi buat persembahan based on my songs..i think it was a chinese song yang kungfu2 tu,sbb tringt orng2 tgh lawan2 gitu..
thanx god,tak de salah apa2..and i gain up my confident for the second song yg sgt susah itu!! i was relly small that time,i have to stand up utk reach-up for the pedals.and the show was a the next weekend back to school,i was given a really2 cool nyer congrats.from my friends,their parents,other teachers..and again,my teacher crying lg sbb i did d best..thanx teacher!~ :)
ok,after leaving Kota Bharu for boarding school i just left electone until i reached grade 6 or 7.tak ingt kena tgk sijil kt dinding rumah.and theory until pass my 3rd grade in Ipoh, ada school i join it,playing Flute..from around 3-4 of us my batch yg tried out for flute,only me je tinggal..playing flute for the first time and early stage mmg sgt different. have to blow out the air making me really dizzy n sgt pening sbb udara tak cukup di sgt sronok and mencabar..
playing flute plng xsronok bila dpt scaling notes,arghh,fingering mmg kna mantap not that good lah kan.but for sure bila dh form 5 akan dpt the opportunity utk jd section leader n playing for solo part which once again sgt horror sbb kalini dh besar lg la STAGE FRIGHT.mana tak nyer,section flute duduk depan,kalau silap sure orng tau n boleh nmpak..
playing in SBP Wind Orchestra is a dream sape join school i joined it when i was form 3..our school sgtlah maintain utk dpt Gold Awards every year since 2000.and we maintain it smpai bila ntah xsure.yg pastinya after i left school,the school band mcm agak merudum..the year 2004 was sgt great as for the first time our school dpt no.3..being a part of the team that time sgt gembira~ :)
so in boarding school i know hot to play guitar i know musics,it make me easy to understand and to catch what my friends played..and i give an interest to play guitar to mama.and mama once ask me if i wanted to join guitar lesson di Yamaha Music di Alamanda tu.but narghh,xpelah,blajar sndiri jek,,thanx Mama.u are really a great supporter!~ ;)
so 2009,i got my very own guitar..ini pon after i draw out my ASB money that really mad mama,haa,really badly need a guitar..rm600 plus a lil bit of my money and i get an Epiphone Electric Acoustic Guitar~ :) and another rm300 for the Behringer Ultracoustic AT108~
My precious
at this time,i was really cool.lek lek je sudah.mama plak siap2,and smpai around 7.50pm di dewan..entering the hall was sooooo made me freak-out.RAMAI GILA ORANG!!!..and they are all looking at me.mmg waktu ni tachycardia,hypertension,palpitation,anxiety,semua ada.and my teacher came to me giving me a glass of water,,mana tak the one who plays for the opening ceremony kot..and there will be a group of students lagi buat persembahan based on my songs..i think it was a chinese song yang kungfu2 tu,sbb tringt orng2 tgh lawan2 gitu..
thanx god,tak de salah apa2..and i gain up my confident for the second song yg sgt susah itu!! i was relly small that time,i have to stand up utk reach-up for the pedals.and the show was a the next weekend back to school,i was given a really2 cool nyer congrats.from my friends,their parents,other teachers..and again,my teacher crying lg sbb i did d best..thanx teacher!~ :)
ok,after leaving Kota Bharu for boarding school i just left electone until i reached grade 6 or 7.tak ingt kena tgk sijil kt dinding rumah.and theory until pass my 3rd grade in Ipoh, ada school i join it,playing Flute..from around 3-4 of us my batch yg tried out for flute,only me je tinggal..playing flute for the first time and early stage mmg sgt different. have to blow out the air making me really dizzy n sgt pening sbb udara tak cukup di sgt sronok and mencabar..
playing flute plng xsronok bila dpt scaling notes,arghh,fingering mmg kna mantap not that good lah kan.but for sure bila dh form 5 akan dpt the opportunity utk jd section leader n playing for solo part which once again sgt horror sbb kalini dh besar lg la STAGE FRIGHT.mana tak nyer,section flute duduk depan,kalau silap sure orng tau n boleh nmpak..
playing in SBP Wind Orchestra is a dream sape join school i joined it when i was form 3..our school sgtlah maintain utk dpt Gold Awards every year since 2000.and we maintain it smpai bila ntah xsure.yg pastinya after i left school,the school band mcm agak merudum..the year 2004 was sgt great as for the first time our school dpt no.3..being a part of the team that time sgt gembira~ :)
so in boarding school i know hot to play guitar i know musics,it make me easy to understand and to catch what my friends played..and i give an interest to play guitar to mama.and mama once ask me if i wanted to join guitar lesson di Yamaha Music di Alamanda tu.but narghh,xpelah,blajar sndiri jek,,thanx Mama.u are really a great supporter!~ ;)
so 2009,i got my very own guitar..ini pon after i draw out my ASB money that really mad mama,haa,really badly need a guitar..rm600 plus a lil bit of my money and i get an Epiphone Electric Acoustic Guitar~ :) and another rm300 for the Behringer Ultracoustic AT108~

So,u there u i like instrumental and classical songs~ :P but actually,im a universalist..i hear all genre of songs..anyhow..enjoy your music!~ ;)
“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everything; It is the essence of order and lends to all that is good, just, and beautiful.” -Plato-
“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everything; It is the essence of order and lends to all that is good, just, and beautiful.” -Plato-
oOooo... di sini rupenyer ilangnyer duit ASB tu..... huhuhu~
ReplyDeletebtw, i think concert kt library Tganu tu.. kitorg ader skali or not? if so, meaning it's concert for 1 yr old school kite blajo tu.. tpi rsenyer time tu... akak ngan k.ngah + another girl yg buat opening and closing...
ReplyDeletennti dh mlabor still akan pakai jgk~ :P
waaa main pianooooo
ReplyDeleteni electone@organ@mcm keyboard anis,,lain sket dgn piano~ :) tp notes sama lah~