Wednesday, April 14, 2010

selepas itu..pon jadi bengang!

i sent an email tu my dad,regarding all the stuffs yang i didnt get after he pass to Abg Afi.and it clear sumthing up.and i did get a conclusion..i asked papa really specific question,(not to say that papa dh tua,kena bagi penjelasan yang clear apa smua) worries pa, UN pon kata cutoff age is around 60+ to refer older populationSlide 2.u still 54.ehe~ cuma nk confirmkan balik je.mana tak nye,i bought it up,i paid for it.tak de mintk duit sapa2 except mintk duit kak ngah utk di advance kan.ehe~

so this are my conversation with papa through email : ( the answers from papa i colour it with PURPLE)

salam papa,,nk mintk tlg check kan blk brng2 ni..nk cross check balik..

*i gave my dad a slideshows actually,then specifically samakan dgn soalan2 berikut.ehe~

Slides #2

4GB Sandisk Micro SDHC +Adapter Micro SD to SD + Adapter Pro Duo + Mini adapter PSP : 4 items for my Blackberry
>>>semua papa dah hantar apa yang papa terima<<<

Slides #3

Slide 4
1 : makro & wide lens = DAH ADA

2 : HOYA filter ? = belum dapat lg
>>>hoya filter ada kat papa. casing saja.filter tak ada<<< this one maybe my dad confuse kot.mybe the filter tu attach to the stuffs #4 which i dont know wut is that..still waiting for the confirmation..xkan kot ada casing dia tp filter xd.haa~~

3 : UV filter (fotobey stwy) = DAH ADA


5 : lens adapter maybe = YA ADA DENGAN PAPA / TAK ADA DENGAN PAPA
>>>barang 4 dan 5 ada kat papa<<<

Slides #5

Tali pada camera
= tali tepi papa tak jumpa.

Slides #6
O-ring utk casing waterproof = tak dapat lagi
o-ring tak ada dengan papa- sekali dalam plastik papa berikan.

Slide 2*and other 2 stuffs that still with my dad..leather casing and a neck strap.

so,i reconfirm again some stuff with my sis who post it to Malaysia..actually,all these item were checked by the KASTAM Malaysia when they arrived..yes,they did said that they opened up the box.and said they didn't charge anything for taxes so on..but how come my stuffs xcukup?.My 4GB Micro SD card tu hilang mana?.i remembered brng tu ada waktu my sis post it to me..we did check couple of stuffs..the micro-sd card was the 1st item arrived to her.siap webcam ag..
damn it KASTAM..kalau betol korng amik,mmg bangsat ar!!!.. i dont care to pay the cukai.tak yah la nk amik brng orng suka-suka hati.ko nk duit,boleh aku bg duit.macam ak miskin habes jek.amik barang orng,duit haram.laknat ar.mana tak nyer hidup susah..stupid officer!.selagi ada orng macam ni di Malaysia,orng Kerajaan plak tu,tak perlu lah nk buat 1 Malaysia."Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan"....apa gunanya?.crap bullshit jek..CORRUPTION still ada!.xamanah~

im really sad to what had happen if it really happen..nnti aku cakap lebeh2 plak,nanti kena tahan.pfstt~

yang O-ring tu,entahlah mcm mana.tanye Abg Afi,dia tak de sentuh apa2.anything in d beg,dia bg gitu jek.huu~ ntah,o-ring tu,xpelah,leh carik lain.haish~~


  1. now u know...

    dlu time akak blik dr US naik MAS pn.. brg ilang dr luggage.. perfume ngan USB Imation Gold 4GB tu.. USB tu letak kt flip bag, then perfume celah2 bj. pun drang leh carik...

    and a bit weird la.. kalo bende cm tali ngan rubber ring tu ilang.. kalo memory kad tu xheran ah..
