Friday, April 30, 2010

Iron Men 2...hurmmm,,

baru balik tgk Ironmen 2...
nak kata sronok,satu part je i laugh.when they are on the roof top at the end of the show.but i dont know if after the credits ada another additional scene ke tak.coz ajan said ada.but we stay for awhile...zasss,skali orng cinema tutup stop the movie..damn CINEPLEX 21 if there are really another scene after the credits..

but my ratings for the Ironmen 2?.out of 5 i only can give 2 1/2 to 3..nak kata sronok,xsgt..nk kata xsronok pon xboleh soy laa~~

apa2,tgk sndiri..then u give ur own rating~ ;) enjoy


  1. nak tgk.nk tgk.ak wase ak org last dlm planet br mo p tgk.huhu

  2. tu la psl kak faridah..dia tutup,kitorng tunggu mmg tunggu nyer.ajan dh siap maki2 ag.huu~~
