Tuesday, April 27, 2010

simple dinner~

what will i have for dinner right now?.hurmm,,after all food yg di consumption di sini sgt bosan.even td went to MTC and MP sendiri,and plenty of restaurant there,yet,i do not fele that i want to eat there..actually,malas nk makan apa2 pon.quiet not in a good mood sgt.eat bile mood sgt baik.ehe~ :D

so,what will i have for dinner??

hurmm,so for those who still do not know what is nasi kuning yet,,this is nasi kuning.and this is wut will im having after this

so what is basically nasi kuning?..so from the pic above,we can see that ada nasi warna kuning atau short form is "NASKUN", then ada AYAM CRISPY dan MEE..

ok,nasi kuning ada beberapa lauk.jadi namanya berdasarkan lauk..so yang saya makan ni nasi kuning ayam crispy..ada lagi ayam kicap, and lastly nasi kuning pakai telur (rebus)..
ayam dia xd la besar pon.berbaloi la dgn harganya rp5000 atau sekitar RM 1.80..tapi dulu makan di MMZ RM 1.50 dh dpt nasi lemak,nasi lg bnyk dr nasi kuning ni,then ada la timun 2-3,pastu dgn telur mata..ada la sayur nyer.ni xd pon sayur.huuu.mana la nk sihat mcm ni.nanti diarrhea,sakit perot.sayur n buah tak makan..wahai MARA,tgklah apa kami makan di sini.huuu~ :| *cewah,duit ada j ag.tp nanti nk nk tgh bulan nnti tgk ar..boleh jamin ramai yg makan nasi kuning ni.dinner mcm skip lmbat sket.trus mcm supper terus.

actually ada je jgk nasi kuning dgn telur tu.tp nk simpan utk makan time tgk bola Lyon vs Bayern malam ni.ehe~ :D

ok,xkenyng pon makan nasi kuning ni.sekadar dpt alas perot jek.nk elak angin masuk atau kena gastrik.huu.dlm 3 minit,utk orng yg lapar giler2 nyer boleh hbskan satu bungkus.maybe less than 3mins kot.if sy lapar sgt,makan 2 bungkus,combinekan.so jd mcm nasi lauk dh portion nye..
so after around 5-7 mins,pinggan jadi...........

ok.licin.just living behind tulang ayam.tu pon boleh je nk hbskan.kalau makan nasi n telur,mmg licin lah.boleh recycle the kertas back for next nasi (this is what they do nak cut off bajet).kalau sape yg makan di kedai kecik tu,dh licin,orng jual akan amik ketas ni,lap2 then refill blk..huu~~

so,td beli apa je lg?.this is my favorites light food jgk lah.tp if makan byk,kenyang jugakk..presenting>>>>>>>>>>

Pisang Molen dan Tauhu Sumbat Goreng!!~ ;) nyummy~
i like it very much.but i restrict myself to eat it everyday because of it really2 oily..not terlalu di-toast elok2 sgt...

pisang molen ni,pisang emas kot,yg kecik2 tu,dia balut dgn tepung yg dilenyek n bungkus elok2 pastu goreng..ada orng yg jual,pisang tu xmasak,so agak keras sket.tp place yg i always bought,brother tu guna pisang yang masak.so quiet juicy after digoreng2~ :D

ok,dalam tauhu goreng tu plak,diorng sumbat kan sayur2an.tergantung jgk lah apa ada kan..mostly carrot and bean sprout atau togey..kalau tauhu goreng ni,diorng makan dgn cili ijau tu.ikutlah nk makan mcm mana.nak cucuk pada tauhu tu then ngap,or ngap tauhu dulu then baru cili and vice versa~ ;) kalau xtahan tp nk rasa,sumbatkan cili tu sekali dgn tauhu tu.at least pedas sgt~

and,my drink for tonight?.just for a lil bit utk energy and protein sket,minum Milo."Minum Milo badan anda jadi sihat dan kuat!"..jadi at least makan2 sikit mcm ni,milo oklah jd penutup..nak tunjuk jugak!

actually what i want to show is the
"CHELSEA FOOTBALL CLUB BROTHER MUG".which kak ngah got it for me when she went for Europe trip..went to Stamford Bridge,the store outside.ok,she is a ManU fans.tp nk pergi all stadium.except Liverpool jek xpegi..me?.when i was in London last 2005, i walked along the Fulham Road trying to find the Stadium until lastly,suddenly and accidentally when wanna take a breath sbb dh jauh sgt jalan, tgk tube nyer signboard where i stop kejap written "ChelseaFC"..haa,here i am,Stamford Bridge.but its quiet late..day turns night.xsempat nk bergambar.lagi2 im alone that time.huu,have to visit The Bridge one day~

ok.itu jek nk criter.having dinner apa je.ehe~ :) xnyummy pon.tp Alhamdulillah.thanx to Him for the food.amin~

p/s:about the bungkusan yang dah di pakai and refill tu,,itu just tipu jek.mana ada~ :D ehe~~


  1. pergh! mmg licin!! huuu.. ni cam kes nasri je.. spjg ms mmg de milo tas meja.. kunon utk knygkn perut gak aa...

  2. kata abg nasri abg saya jgk~ :D ehehe~

  3. adoi. so not balanced pnye diet la doc. hehe

  4. what to do sara,,terpakse ikot selera.dont want to eat anything bsides m'sian food dh skrng~

  5. Comey giler kot makanan lukis2 cam tu ~

    Hello ~ k ngah smpi smer stadium k ! Wek ! tgk gamba2 kat Album euro trip tu. he3..
